kuva chakkhurr eidolon. 5; FormaLong;. kuva chakkhurr eidolon

 5; FormaLong;kuva chakkhurr eidolon  by peter47 — last updated a year ago (Patch 31

Rubico. 17 MAGAZINE 11 / 105 NOISE ALARMING RELOAD 2. Kuva Head Hunter Chakkhurr. View Page. 2013. Detonate heads with this slow-firing rifle that rewards precision. 4; FormaMedium; Guide. Chakkhurr Eidolons. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by Trijhak. 8% TRIGGER SEMI DAMAGE IMPACT 689. 4; FormaShort; Guide. 3x. 1Kuva Chakkhurr | Godly Weapons Needs No Riven for Red CritsIt's amazing weapon to use. 6Kuva Chakkhurr (Radiation) - 5 Forma Kuva Chakkhurr build by Agenda_Live - Updated for Warframe 29. INSANE lvl 200 1 HEADSHOT 1 INSANE BLEED KILL. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by oblivionix. 4; FormaShort; Guide. Kuva Chakkhurr Eidolon Hunter. Chakkhurr is amazing, people just don’t care about high damage slow firing rifles because they want to play fast. Home Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. Navigation. Kuva. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by oblivionix. Detonate heads with this slow-firing rifle that rewards precision. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by gaming3. APPLY CONDITIONALS. Kuva Chakkhurr Eidolon Hunter. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by THeMooN85. . Kuva Head Hunter Chakkhurr. 0 VOTES. Eidolon - 1 Forma Kuva Chakkhurr build by karakasisx - Updated for Warframe 30. 85 Status / Projectile 27% TRIGGER SEMI Damage / Projectile (x1. Open fire! Nothing like unloading a firing salvo of mortars. 6Kuva Chakkhurr - 5 Forma Kuva Chakkhurr build by mitchell0 - Updated for Warframe 29. ITEM RANK. Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. 4; FormaShort; Guide. en. Votes 142. 4; FormaMedium; Guide. Navigation. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by seaga. Kuva Chakkhurr. 9Electric Chakkhurr With default Electricity the elemental mod can be swapped between heat or toxin for Radiation or Corrosive depending on what is needed. KUVA ELEMENT. Home Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by seaga. Detonate heads with this slow-firing rifle that rewards precision. Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. en. Copy. Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. 2: Any negative damage modifier (faction, element, base etc. 4; FormaShort; Guide. Kuva Chakkhurr element choice help? Switched mine to Heat before the latest update. maximize crits 2 - 3 Forma Kuva Chakkhurr build by beginner - Updated for Warframe 30. ITEM RANK. 4; FormaShort; Guide. Caedus channel, mainly Warframe. 4; FormaShort; Guide. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by seaga. Account. Kuva Chakkhurr Eidolon Hunter. Votes 2. Account. Kuva Chakkhurr Eidolon Hunter. -galvanized aptitude provide you extra status and damage since it has an unique,condition overload-esuqe perk so it is very suitable for our build. 40. you can think of it like a Vulkar with higher Crit Stats. a year ago. Kuva Head Hunter Chakkhurr. 16K subscribers Subscribe 252 Share Save 11K views 2 months ago I think i'm the only retard who keeps. Kuva Head Hunter Chakkhurr. If you stack void strike while eidolon is down and shoot through 6x volt shields it can 1 shot. 2 years ago. Seriously, this gun, with a maxed [ Point Strike], is clocking up 125% Critical Chance. 4; FormaMedium; Guide. Account. To obtain the maximum rank, the player must polarize the weapon five times, with each Forma increasing the maximum possible rank by 2 (in a similar manner as the Paracesis). Kuva "The Blunderbuss" Chakkhurr Build. Rifle. Kuva Chakkhurr Eidolon Hunter. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by THeMooN85. Kuva marksman - 0 Forma Kuva Chakkhurr build by Okuri_Raijū - Updated for Warframe 33. Votes 2. Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. I've used it in the past on Volt because of the way projectile weapons work with his shields. 5; FormaLong;. 4K views 1 year ago This build is kinda built for team stuff but I think this can do a solo. Navigation. en. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by seaga. ITEM RANK. Chakkur - 4 Forma Kuva Chakkhurr build by facundo87 - Updated for Warframe 30. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by THeMooN85. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by seaga. Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. but since the Chakkhurr has guaranteed Impact procs, do yourself a favor and get Internal Bleeding. 4; FormaShort; Guide. en. Riven - 4 Forma Kuva Chakkhurr build by Kryptol - Updated for Warframe 30. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by seaga. Kuva Head Hunter Chakkhurr. Kuva chakkhurr - 2 Forma Kuva Chakkhurr build by Jaaamers - Updated for Warframe 32. 6Kuva Chakkhurr Eidolon hunt - 5 Forma Kuva Chakkhurr build by nath2 - Updated for Warframe 32. Kuva Chakkhurr Eidolon Hunter. Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. 0 ⚡ ELECTRICITY 1,405. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by oblivionix. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by THeMooN85. 3; FormaMedium; Guide. 80 / 80. Navigation. Kuva Chakkhurr Eidolon Hunter. Kuva Chakkhurr element choice help? Switched mine to Heat before the latest update. 85 STATUS CHANCE 64. 5; FormaLong;. en. 4; FormaMedium; Guide. If you stack void strike while eidolon is down and shoot through 6x volt shields it can 1 shot. 0. 1. Kuva Chakkhurr Eidolon Hunter. 7charku 700k - 3 Forma Kuva Chakkhurr build by LeinadNitram - Updated for Warframe 33. Kuva Head Hunter Chakkhurr. KUVA CHAKKHURR Eidolon Hunter & Steel Path. Chakkhurr Eidolons. a year ago. This build is kinda built for team stuff but I think this can do a solo tricap not really sure there's beter ones out there but if this is the only thing you. Eidolon Hunter. The [Kuva Chakkhurr] has an innate +50% headshot damage bonus on top of the default headshot damage easily breaking one million damage in a single hit. Been a while since I've run eidolons though. The Chakkhurr is an awesome weapon and really fun to use in missions. Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. Kuva Chakkhurr Eidolon Hunter. Kuva Chakkhurr Eidolon Hunter. 0. 10. This chance is doubled when the weapon's fire rate is below 2. [Terminal Velocity]: This one is very nice to have since the Chakkhurr is a projectile based weapon, but it will require one extra forma to invest. Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. 0. Kuva. Kuva Chakkhurr Eidolon Hunter. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by THeMooN85. Kuva Chakkhurr Eidolon Hunter. 0 VOTES. ago Posted by DaddyLama Kuva Chakkhurr heat or rad I want to make an optimal Chakk build for Eidolon hunting, which requires maximum rad damage. Sourced from official drop table repository. CHAKKHURR KUVA CRIT - 5 Forma Kuva Chakkhurr build by darkness_jester - Updated for Warframe 31. KUVA CHAKKHURR - Eidolon by GoodmanSIG — last updated a year ago (Patch 31. INSANE lvl 200 1 HEADSHOT 1 INSANE BLEED KILL. Chakkhurr Kuva Build - 4 Forma Kuva Chakkhurr build by Blakelor - Updated for Warframe 32. Should I change it back or just build a new one? : r/Warframe r/Warframe • 1 yr. 7. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by seaga. 4x FIRE RATE 1. [WARFRAME] ULTIMATE EIDOLON HUNTING GUIDE 2022 | Episode 01 | META Eidolon Guide!-----What's good folks?!I'm here with Episode 01. 3. APPLY CONDITIONALS. Kuva Head Hunter Chakkhurr. Votes 83. Is this intended? Kuva Chakkhurr element choice help? Switched mine to Heat before the latest update. 36. Personally I use it with mags bubble and it one-shots the entire bubble if you get a head shot (aim for top 3rd of bubble). Felt okay with it because it allows a bunch of elemental combos. Is this intended? What does 100 mean in this case? Posted November 5, 2019 (edited) I'm excited to try the Kuva Chakkhur. Recommended videos. ago. Kuva Head Hunter Chakkhurr. Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. Votes 102. Detonate heads with this slow-firing rifle that rewards precision. However it has so many negatives that it's hard to deal with. while you'll usually not get the Explosion Damage, the direct Damage is most of it anyways. Detonate heads with this slow-firing rifle that rewards precision. 4; FormaMedium; Guide. Do not let the numbers fool you, the chakkhurr's +50% bonus headshot damage will make you put out some surprisingly high numbers. 0Chakkhurr kuva - 2 Forma Kuva Chakkhurr build by nozyp - Updated for Warframe 32. But even so, it should still be fun to rank up and play with. 40. Home Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. Kuva Chakkhurr guide. Kuva Chakkhurr - 300K DPS. Kuva Head Hunter. Detonate heads with this slow-firing rifle that rewards precision. Kuva chakkhurr (with riven) or rubico prime for Eidolon hunt? I'm MR 11 and would like to move past the get-lure only phase. 5; FormaLong;. If you suggest Chakkhurr, toxin or electric? This thread is archived Kuva Chakkhurr 5x3 Eidolon hunt without riven (record start on first round hydrolyst) Danny2204 132 subscribers Subscribe 21K views 3 years ago Show more Show more 55:43 Warframe | Eidolon. en. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by seaga. 5 / 80. INSANE lvl 200 1 HEADSHOT 1 INSANE BLEED KILL. 8% TRIGGER SEMI DAMAGE IMPACT 689. Kuva Chakkhurr Eidolon Hunter. Votes 83. 8% TRIGGER SEMI DAMAGE IMPACT 689. Critical Delay - Point strike provides slightly less CC without fire rate drop, still keeping below the 2. Kuva Head Hunter Chakkhurr. en. Kuva Chakkhurr Eidolon Hunter. I have don't have either of these yet. KUVA CHAKKHURR Best build 1,000,000+ DPS 1,700,000 Burst DMG no riven. 15 3 0. I have don't have either of these yet. Kuva. 6. Home Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. This. Kuva Chakkhurr guide by CerebralCortex. Kuva Head Hunter Chakkhurr.