Genital preference transphobic. If you’re a man who wants your woman to have a vagina you’re a bigot. Genital preference transphobic

<dfn> If you’re a man who wants your woman to have a vagina you’re a bigot</dfn>Genital preference transphobic  Like if you met someone and he was prefect, and he had the genitals and body you’re attracted to, and then you found out he’s AFAB

Maschan1991 • 5 yr. Having genital preferences is by itself not transphobic. Crypto“You can have a genital preference” but if you exclude trans people who’ve had “bottom surgery” then you’re transphobic. Some people use genital preference as an excuse for bigotry though. Meaning is it transphobic if a woman only wants to have sex or date humans that were born with a vagina and currently have a. I just want to get a better understanding of arguments on both sides of the aisle. If it makes me transphobic to not like vaginas, then I don’t think I careI’m t4t (I still date cis people too) and bisexual but even I have a gender preference and somewhat of a genital preference even though if I like someone I’ll date them no matter what. 1. The only issue is if the only reason is the fact that the person is trans. “Saying that genital preferences are transphobic is homophobic. For one, it's demonstrably false, there are plenty of cis lesbians who are fine having sex with pre-op/ non-op trans women and they arent that hard to find, you just personally havent encountered any. If you were bi with a genital preference for vaginas, and included post op trans women and pre-op trans men, I mean that. Assuming that all trans people must have a certain kind of genitals, assuming that trans bodies are inherently unattractive, and/or using these assumptions to police the identities of other people ("real lesbians would. Genital preferences are totally ok. Genital preferences are not transphobic. Genital preference is not transphobic, period. Crypto650 votes, 52 comments. level 2. Forlorndragon. Genital preference is fine and not transphobic. Which is maybe ironic because I'm trans. But isn't lumping people in with a real genital preference with transphobic people kinda what the whole issue is with transphobia. report. ” You can just say you don’t like dick and leave. Because you’re assuming all trans people have certain parts. Also comparing the number of people who say they’d never sleep with a trans person opposed to the growing popularity of trans porn means there. Of nearly 1,000 participants, the overwhelming. It is NOT a sexuality. . ” To prove this is true, you must prove it’s true for every case. Dennis released a video at Everydayfeminist. But attraction isn't based on genitals. It won’t ever stop being creepy and entitled to label people bigots because they’re not sexually available to everyone. It's gross to reduce an entire person to whether their genital arrangement pleases you or not. Nothing wrong with having a genital preference, that is a perfectly valid part of sexuality. That’s impossible. Recently I was talking with my cis sister about a post she made on a Facebook group asking if her genital preference was transphobic. 0 0. Obviously, someone could use genital preferences as an excuse to hide their transphobic beliefs, but that doesn’t negate the fact that some people do actually have genital preferences. Not bc they don’t fit a genital preference. I'd say it's also not transphobic to have a genital preference when it is consistent - for example, someone having a genital preference towards penises not being interested in trans men who have not had bottom surgery while being attracted to trans women who have not had bottom surgery. Please don't spread transphobic narratiatives. because of this preference. But also, genital preference is used a lot by transphobic people as a smokescreen, so if you're ever in a situation where you have turn someone down because of that, just do it carefully and respectfully, because for a lot of. i'm a straight male. Genital preferences are valid in sexual relationships, yes. Could be a hyperspesific situation to justify horrible actions. There’s a really great interview over at the Weekly Standard this week which I wanted to point out for you. Transphobia is not ok. Sure, it is possible to have a genital preference that is not rooted in transphobic prejudices, there are other reasons one might prefer one set of genitalia and not be into another. The trans woman mentioned in the BBC article responds to this with: “One. If genital preferences are transphobic and should be unlearned, then every trans person dysphoric about their genitals is transphobic and should unlearn that shit. However, how it is expressed CAN be transphobic. And that taboo is the same reason that preferences for women with penises exists. On the topic at hand, my immediate gut reaction is to disagree with the notion that genital preference is transphobic. Every single time people feel the need to say “but genital preference is okay. I have a genital preference for vaginas and am mostly disgusted by penises but I still love and have sex with my trans girlfriend because believe it or not, there's more to a relationship than sex and there's more to sex than just mashing your genitals together. Reply. "Trans" is an adjective modifying the noun "woman". Valid reasons like physical, genital, and personality preference are not transphobic, just like with cis people. The same as dating someone and finding they are related to you. Of nearly 1,000 participants, the overwhelming majority, 87. Share. ” As in, it’s okay to be a gay man, but only be open to dating trans men if they have had bottom surgery. If. Riley J. There is nothing wrong with having a preference. But I can’t help but feel that acting on that preference would effectively mean discriminating against trans people when dating. 20 votes, 24 comments. Not transphobic. What people tend to call transphobic is making sweeping generalizations about someone because theyre trans or rejecting them if they were passing, had the genitals you expected, ect and only rejected them once hearing they werent cis. It sounds like you’re being honest about what you need in a relationship, not transphobic. Assuming all trans men have female anatomy is absolutely transphobic though. It sounds like some manipulative bs to get you to agree to sex you otherwise. ”. Lesbian women tend to prefer women without penises, and Dennis frowns on this kind of preference. If you are clear that the topic is trans women, it sidesteps a. He’s also the author of a new book. And of course he has a bi girlfriend so that he can claim to be a lesbian. As for 'should you like trans men', that's a poorly worded question. Either way it only adds up to dating so it’s not that big of an issue. If the reason they're unwilling is that theyre transphobic, then their transphobic beliefs are bad but their preferences are what they are. You're not transphobic for having a genital preference. So if you have a vag only genital preference and hook up with him, it’s transphobic, And biological essentialism:. ” “Genital preferences are a kind of sexual preference that doesn’t need to be justified. Although I will say, if you are completely attracted to someone in every way, and really care about or love them, but you can’t bring yourself to sexually gratify them (assuming neither of you are ace) just because of what genitals they have, really seems like you’re a selfish. You can't say having a genital preference is transphobic and disconnect that from the trans community. If you'd date a Trans woman that didn't have a penis, then no. Genital preferences, personality preferences, and physical preferences are okay but trans people differ in no way to cis people of the same gender on a general scale. Please don't tell Grace I've been trying hard to date you all. Genital preference, personality,. Honestly, "what they currently have" AND "what someone used to have" are the exact same thing - and that's none of your business unless you're going to be interacting with said genitals. 12. hide. Also note - "trans" and "women" are two words, not one word. As others have said, that's genital preference. These are people. I myself do not wish to engage in any sexual acts with a pre-op transwoman. If someone said they’d only date women who don’t have penises without excluding trans women - that’s a genital preference that doesn’t exclude trans people. Truly understanding this. Genital preference does not equal sexuality, they do not always line up in a binary manner with presentation or secondary sexual characteristics. You have an irrational bias against trans women. That highlights an underlying issue w transness. I’m not sure. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. I just saw a post saying it’s transphobic to have a genital preference. Side note I love your flair524 votes, 220 comments. He could be going to a rugby club party, ffs. Let's be very clear: If someone calls you transphobic, that does not mean they are trying to force you to have sex with them. This is a preference, and a transphobic one at that. Making it about cis vs. But usually that's followed by something else transphobic and pekple assume it's because of the genital preference point when it's not. CryptoNo. Genital preference is a valid thing whether due to trauma or not. I, being trans, have been called transphobic, sexist, etc. I have one. Genital preference is absolutley transphobic. Anybody with more than a handful of brain cells will tell. Again, gatekeeping who can call themselves straight, gay or lesbian by telling them they must be bisexual is not a good look. We do not live in a black-and-white world. If someone said they’d only date women and exclude trans women - that’s transphobic. In April 2017, Riley J Dennis, a writer, YouTuber, and trans activist, who identifies as “a non-binary transwoman” and is in a relationship with a woman (which you’d be forgiven for assuming is simply a heterosexual relationship), posted a video asking the question, “Are genital preferences transphobic?” Dennis’ conclusion was that. Being upfront about which sex organs you have probably attracts a lot of people looking to satisfy a fetish, or. Sexual compatibility is important for a lot of people. The new transphobia: Having "genital preferences". I’m cis and bisexual for full transparency, I don’t have a “genital preference”. To take it. There's another point being made that genital preferences being transphobic in the field of how sexuality is formed, like genital preferences are more likely be a. Hm, I don't agree. The absolute, overwhelming majority of. Yeah, no. Except if it's a trans woman. I’m just uncomfortable with penis no matter who it’s attached to. ” Transphobia would also be “I know you are the gender I’m attracted to and have the genitals I prefer, but you’re trans so I won’t go out with you. Fortunately I don't let people tell me what I am, I don't subscribe to the agenda laden theories of activists. level 1. And genital preference can be separate from that. And this is one of those times. Transphobic . genital preference so, basically i have a question. Genital preferences aren't transphobic, at least not inherently. ” “You arguing that we should question, or even reconsider, our genital preferences sounds an awful lot. Genital preferences aren’t transphobic because you have no control over what your attracted to. It is not part of LGBTQ+. Mainly, understanding genitalia is not tied to gender. A lot of people use genital preferences to justify transphobia. So yeah you can definitely have a genital preference AND be transphobic but genital preference doesn’t usually = to transphobic. "Girls are way hotter. But the issue is when genitals are equated to gender and people try to say things like “I don’t like dick cause I’m a lesbian and I like women. But I realize I’m in a different situation. You like the bits you like, and that's fine. We do all sorts of things through inaction that are objectively harmful. If it does, then you're just saying you don't like trans ppl. Out Status: Out to everyone. Genital preference/aversion is not transphobic. It's easy to call a cis person transphobic if they prefer not to date a transgender individual with different sets of parts down there. So perhaps people assume it's transphobic when. I don't think genital preference is transphobic, as long as you still. Vote B. If I was to ask out someone, and they tell me they prefer not to date trans people, is that transphobic of them?View discussions in 6 other communities. Like "tall woman" or "young woman". ” Please note these are MY thoughts and conclusions. But if someone who has a genital preference is initially attracted to a trans person (that fits into that preference) but loses the. No they are not. That said, sometimes transphobia masks as genital preference. This seems like a very small group of people, however. This is a basic rundown on why I believe the answer is yes, and why saying “it’s just a preference” isn’t an adequate justification (and. Something I’m seeing increasingly within the trans community is people claiming that it’s “reductive, narrow minded and transphobic” to have a genital preference. I’m saying that there are often transphobic beliefs at the center of those preferences which should be. I also previously said genital preferences aren’t inherently transphobic. Vote C. Genital preference is not transphobic. By this logic, trans people would be any far the most transphobic demographic in existence. Sure, genital preferences can be valid in the context of a neutral preference one way or the other. my friend🥰 recently told me⬅️ that i'm 😤transphobic🤬 for saying that i…by JeCorey Holder. Is it transphobic to have genitalia preferences? Hi so, I recently had this debate with my friend (ftm) and I really hurt his feeling without realizing. There are some things that are valid: genital preference, wanting kids (not specific to trans people tho and that's where you can see if they're actually transphobic or just really care about fertility), not being attracted to this trans individual specifically. March 2, 2020 ·. Sexual preference have nothing to do with how you treat a person in general. No. "I don't want to have sex with people who have. The Prowler News : Having a “genital preference” is transphobic Photo from Flickr via Creative Commons License "During June 2017, Washington D. Doing this is basically just a glorified anti-trans dogwhistle, and though genital preferences aren't inherently transphobic, bringing them up literally EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME someone talks about trans people is absolutely fucking transphobic and if you can't tell the difference between those two things you're a fucking imbecile. Lesbian. . It's not about whether someone is offended by another women being attracted to a trans women pre-surgery. 6. the reasons. If genital preferences are transphobic then I guess I'm transphobic. Most Helpful Guys. So what do we do? 1/People who act like genital preferences are transphobic and say that people who have genital preferences just need to “think about it” or “try it” have the same energy as people who think lesbians or gay men can be “fixed” with the right dick or vagina. And that taboo is the same reason that preferences for women with penises exists. Business, Economics, and Finance. Like racism can mask as fear of getting mugged. My genital preference doesn’t make me transphobic. For example, a person saying 'I'm not attracted to penises so i wont sleep with people with penises' is fine, but. Having a genital preference is one thing, having an uninformed genital rule is another. C. Nobody on here knows for sure what it is though because I don't bang on about it.